Articles on: Features

Smart link preloading

Smart Link Preloading is a feature in FlyingPress designed to improve page load speed and enhance the user experience by preloading links before they are clicked. This predictive behavior reduces page load times and makes navigating your site faster and smoother.

How It works
On Desktop: When a user hovers over a link, FlyingPress starts preloading nearby links. If the user hovers over a link for a longer duration, the entire linked page is prerendered in the background, allowing instant loading when clicked.
On Mobile: Since hover actions don’t exist on mobile, FlyingPress automatically preloads all visible links within the viewport as you scroll, making tap-based navigation much faster.

Key benefits
Instant Page Loads: Near-zero Time to First Byte (TTFB) means faster access to content.
Smooth User Experience: Quick transitions keep visitors engaged and satisfied.
Enhanced Performance: Real-world gains in Core Web Vitals, including faster Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), benefit actual users.
All powered by a lightweight script under 1KB, Smart Link Preloading is a simple way to boost your site's speed and experience.

Updated on: 01/10/2024

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